AR Goes Hollywood with Arthur the King

The trailer for an upcoming film featuring adventure racing just dropped and racers can’t get enough. Arthur the King, starring Mark Wahlberg, is based on the non-fiction book Arthur: The Dog Who Crossed the Jungle to Find a Home by Mikael Lindnord, captain of a Swedish team at the 2014 Adventure Race World Championship in Ecuador. Lindnord, a 2003 inductee into the ARWS Hall of Fame, befriended Arthur during the race through the jungle. Arthur became an unofficial member of the team and later a member of Lindnord’s family in Sweden.

The film opens March 22, and already adventure racers are planning how they will celebrate with elaborate plans for multi-day adventures that end at the movie theater—so movie goers can experience a “funky bunch” up close and personal.

Do you remember this story? Plan on seeing the film? Let us know in the comments below.

The story made headlines in 2014 and was the inspiration for an animal welfare foundation.


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